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Sunday, March 15, 2009 @4:41 PM

Lots of people put great effort into telling others what a rotten memory they have. & what is their memory like? Rotten! We get what we expect, & our words effect our performance.

With regard to our memory, researchers now tell us that we never really forget anything. The information is all in our head. The problem is the recall. This explains why you can "forget" somebody's name & remember it the next day. The name did not vacate your head & pop back into it 24 hours later. It was there all the time but you could not "recall" it initially.

Our words affect our subconscious & our memory is closely linked with our subconscious. If you consistently give your subconscious a program that says " I remember thing", then you will find that your recall will dramatically improve. you will subconsciously expect to remember the names & the numbers & the formulas & everything.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 @10:36 PM


"Those who truly have the spirit of champions are never wholly happy with an easy win. Half the satisfaction stems from knowing that it was the time and the effort you invested that led to your high achievement."

I worship the game. It's fun to play, period. I adore running, jumping around and getting sweaty. I like to cheer like mad. I am keen on facing the challenge of another team that's better. I lurve winning them ((:

This win meant a lot to me. To everyone in the team. I'm unable to describe it in words due limited linguistic ability in language.

"It is amazing what can be accomplished when nobody cares about who gets the credit." Robert Yates


The world suddenly feels so beautiful now.


Monday, February 2, 2009 @7:06 PM

One of the best form of negative motivation to give oneself.


Saturday, January 17, 2009 @8:03 PM

Another fascinating principle is that often, when we finally develop the courage to meet a problem head on, the problem disappears & we don't have to face it.

As soon as we develop the courage to make the difficult phone call, confront our employee or make the sacrifice, very often it becomes unnecessary. We agonise for weeks over breaking news to our secretary that she'll need to find alternative employment & when we finally hit her with the news, she tells us that she can't wait to leave! Of course, this turn of events doesn't always occur & sometimes we have to bite the bullet!

Also, we often find that once we decide to face a fear, fear evaporates.
No doubt you have had the experience of performing a task that you thought would be difficult or particularly embarrassing. When you jumped in & did it it wasn't half as bad as you anticipated. This particularly applies to telling the truth & owning up to mistakes & misdeeds. How often have you found that thinking about it was so much more painful than doing it?


Thursday, January 1, 2009 @8:58 PM

This awareness of how our mind works gives us cause to consider what we are sating to ourselves & to others. When you say to your little nephew, " Don't fall out of that tree", you are actually helping him to fall out of it! If you say to yourself, " I don't want to forget my book", you are already halfway to forgetting it.

This is because your mind works on pictures. When you say to yourself, " I don't want to forget my book", you get a picture in your mind of forgetting. Although you say " I don't want want that", your mind still works on that picture & the results ... you forget your book. When you tell yourself " I want to remember my book", you will have a mental picture of yourself remembering, & you will be in a far better position to remember.

Your mind simply does not, cannot & will not work on the reverse of an idea. Therefore when the volleyball coach screams out to his player, " Don't miss the spike", he is asking for trouble! When you say to your children, " Don't break grandma's ten thousand dollar antique vase", you are inviting disaster!

Many frustrated parents could ease their situations by using language which paints pictures of the desired result in their children's minds. Then " Don't scream! " becomes " Please be quiet! " & " Don't miss your serve " becomes " Please serve over ". These differences may seem subtle but they are very, very important.

This principle can help explain why you can drive your old wreck for fifteen years & never scratch it. . . & the first day you have your shiny new set of wheels, you manage to remodel the the whole front end! Driving around thinking, " I mustn't dent this car whatever i do! " is a dangerous though. The thought must be, I'll drive safely.

The tennis player who wins the big tournament is the player who is always thinking, " I want this point. This one is mine!" The fellow who misses out is the one who thinks, " I had better not blow this shot! "

Similarly, the person who says " I don't want to be sick " has an uphill battle to become well & those who fill their minds with thoughts like " I don't want to miss this serve", "I don't want to spike into the net" & "I hope i don't mess this up" can continually find themselves in the very situation they didn't want.

Positive thinking works because positive thinkers dwell on what they want. They then necessarily gravitate toward their goals. Always think about what you want!


@2:42 AM

Thoughts are invisible clouds that go out & gather up results for us.
They determine what we reap.

Let's spend some time examining how what is on your mind affects what is in your life. Perhaps one of the most important principles you will ever understand about your mind is that you will always gravitate toward what you think about most.

Someone recently told me, " When i was young i said i would never marry a man called " Max ", i would never marry a man younger than myself & i would never play volleyball for a living. I have done all three! ".

How often have you heard that kind of story? How often have you found yourself in precisely the situation that you said you didn't want? You said to yourself, " If there is one thing i don't want to happen . . . If there is one question i don't want to be asked . . . If there is one stupid mistake that i don't want to repeat . . . & guess what you got? "

The principle is, " Think about something & you move toward it. " Even if you are thinking about something you don't want, you will move toward it. This is because your mind moves toward things, never away from them. If i say to you, " Don't think about a big elephant with big ears & purple spots & wearing shades", what will fill your mind? An elephant!

Do you ever say to yourself, " I mustn't forget that" & then go & forget it? Your mind cannot move away from forgetting It can move toward remembering but if only your thinking is " I want to remember that".


Friday, December 19, 2008 @5:54 PM

The art of being happy involves being able to laugh at difficulties as soon as possible after they happen. One person, involves in the above situation, would resist laughing for two years. Another may decide that after two weeks it is time to stop crying & start laughing. Therefore, the first person gets to stay miserable got fifty times longer than the other one. & HE CHOSE TO.


Periodically, let us remind ourselves that we are human & that we will do stupid things. If you expect to be perfect you don't belong to this planet. Lets remember that our own troubles always seem much bigger to us than to anyone else. If no-one else is losing sleep, maybe we don;t need to either.

Children can teach us a lot about laughing. Happy youngsters will laugh at almost anything, naturally & unashamedly. They seem intuitively to know that a good belly laugh keeps them healthy & balanced. They come equipped with an insatiable thirst for joy & fun. It is a shame that by the time many reach adulthood this attitude has been replaced by one which says: " Life is all serious." Grown ups spend their time telling children hen not to giggle & when not to laugh - " Don't laugh in class, don't giggle at the dinner table" - until much of their natural spontaneity is gone.

One of our major responsibilities toward others is to enjoy ourselves! When we are having fun, we feel netter, we work better & people want to be around us.

Life is not THAT serious. Let's take humour more seriously.


Monday, December 8, 2008 @6:41 PM

Laughter is the best medicine.

When you laugh, all kinds of wonderful things happen to benefit your body & mind. Endorphins are released in your brain which give you a " natural high " ( zi-high )
& your respiratory system gets the kind of work-out that it may get from jogging.

Laughter relieves pain. You can only laugh when you are relaxed & the more relaxed you are the less pain you feel; so funny books & movies are ideal pain relievers/ In fact, you can't get ulcers & laugh at the same time. You can to choose one or the other. The same goes for the illnesses. We often get sick by taking ourselves & life too seriously. What we need to do is laugh to help us stay healthy.

Let us assume that you lost a game & you fatally injured yourself, you are going to be away from trainings for 3 months & the team hates you. If all that is going on, why make things worst by being unhappy as well?


Sunday, November 23, 2008 @12:24 AM

To those who did not get good results for PSLE, please do not be too sad kay.
Cheer up! Smile its the end of the world :)

Close your eyes. Take some time just to center your soul and be at one.
With the sky. You can fly if you unfurl your wings to face the sun!
In your mind. You will find all the power you need to get things done.
And your dreams. They can seem like mere shadows of brighter days to come.

Shoot for the moon! If you miss you will still be among the stars
Don't ever stop! If you never give up you are guaranteed to go far

Be your very own miracle
You can't win a race standing still. Go on
Pick those beautiful feet up from off the floor
Rise and Soar

Be your very own miracle
Just believe you can, and you will.
Have faith
Every goal that you make is a chain you break to set your spirit free!

Every page you have turned in this book of your life has led you here
Every step that you take you grow closer to conquering your fear

Dreams can come true! but they depend on you and how strong you are
Don't ever stop! If you never give up you are guaranteed to go far

Be your very own miracle
You can't win a race standing still. Go on
Pick those beautiful feet up from off the floor
Rise and Soar.


Thursday, October 30, 2008 @11:04 PM

Another question we can ask ourselves is, " What is the worst that could happen? & if it did, would i still be alive? " So often, we magnify things out of proportion. The worst that could happen is probably very inconvenient, but not the end of the world.

The next question to ask yourself is, " Am i taking myself too seriously? " Have you ever noticed that you can lose a week's sleep over something that your friends would never give a second thought? This is often because we take ourselves too seriously. We figure the whole world is watching. It is not. & so what if it is? No doubt you living your life the best way you know how.

Next question, " What am i learning from this situation? " With hindsight, looking through a " retrospectoscope ", we can generally learn from our difficult times. The hard bit is being balanced & aware enough to learn while we are suffering or why we are suffering/ The happiest people tend to be able to always see their hard times as a valuable learning experience. They keep their chins up, they keep a smile on their faces, they know things will improve & that they will emerge from their trials better people. This is easier said than done!

Another question: If things really seem serious, will i be okay for the next five minutes? Once you have made it through those five minutes, just aim at getting through the next five minutes. Bite off one small chunk at a time. It saves a lot of indigestion. Also keep yourself busy. Give yourself a five minute job into which you can put your total energy. We always feel so much when we are busy.

What else can i do?

Probably the greatest way to feel better about yourself is to something for somebody else. Excessive worry & self-pity grow out of self-preoccupation. The moment you start to make other people happy, whether you are sending them flowers or digging their garden or giving them your time, you feel better! It is automatic. It is simple. & wonderful.

Disasters aren't so disastrous if we tackle them a piece at a time. Also, the sooner we recognise what we stand to gain from the experience, the easier it is to deal with it.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008 @9:38 PM

Everyone of us goes through times when life seems extremely difficult. We are left alone, we can;t pay bills, we have lost our jobs, we have lost a loved one. At These times we wonder how we will possibly make it through the next week. Somehow we usually do!

It is possible to lose our perspective & to paint the picture gloomier than it really it. We look forward a future which seems to be minefield of problems & wonder how any human being could copy with what we face.

A person embarking on a day's march would be foolish enough to carry enough provisions for a lifetime. Is it not strange , then, that many people carry around all their worries for the next twenty years & wonder why life is difficult? We were designed to live twenty four hours at a time. No more. It is pointless worrying about tomorrow's problems today.

Next time you find yourself despairing, ask yourself these questions.

Have i got enough air to breathe? Have i enough food for today?
( If the answer is yes, things are already looking up! )

We often overlook the fact that our important needs are being met. I like the story of the man who phoned Dr. MAX.

The conversation went this way.

The man said, " It's over. I'm finished. All my money has gone. I've lost everything."
Dr. Max asked," Can you still see?"
The man replied," Yes, I can still see."
Max asked, " Can you still walk?"
The man said," Yes, I can still walk."
Max said, " Obviously you can still ear or you wouldn't have phoned me."
" Yes, I can still hear."
" Well," Max said," I figure you have got about everything left. All you have lost is your money!"


Sunday, October 5, 2008 @9:30 PM

Imagine this following piece was written by an 85 year old man who learned that he is dying.

" If i had my life to live over again, I'd try to make more mistakes next time. I wouldn't be so perfect. I would relax more. I'd limber up. I'd be sillier than I've been on this trip. In fact, I know very few things that I would take so seriously. I'd be crazier. I'd be less hygienic.

" I'd take more chances, I'd take more trips, I'd climb more mountains, I'd swim more rivers, I'd go more places I've ever been to, I'd eat more ice cream & fewer beans.

" I'd have more actual troubles & fewer imaginary ones!"

" You see, I was one of those people who lived prophylactically & sensibly & sanely hour after hour & day after day. Oh, I've had my moments, & if I had it to do over again, I'd have more of those moments - moment by moment by moment."

" I've been one of those people who never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat & a parachute. If I had it to do all over again, I'd travel lighter next time."

" If I had it to do all over again, I'd start barefoot earlier in the spring & stay way later in the fall. I'd rude more merry-go-rounds, I'd watch more sunrises, & I'd play with more children, if I had my life to live over again."

" But you see, I don't."

Isn't this a beautiful reminder? We only have so long on this planet. Let's make the most of it. The old man realised that , in order o be happier, in order to get more out of life, he didn't have to go & change the world. The world is already beautiful. He had to change himself.

The world is not " perfect"/ The degree of our happiness is the distance between the way things are & the way they " ought" to be. If we cease to demand that things be perfect, the business of being happy becomes easier. We then choose to have preferences for the way things might be, & decide that if out preferences are not met, we will be happy anyway.

As the Indian Guru once told a pupil who was in desperate search of contentment, " I will give you the secret. if you want to be happy, BE HAPPY! "




Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @11:39 PM

If we're unhappy, it's because life is not as we want it. Life is not matching our expectations of how it " ought" to be & so we're unhappy. ( just like Hao of shaman king! Omg i miss that anime ): )

So we say, " I'll be happy when..." Well, life is NOT perfect. Life is about being exhilarated, frustrated, sometimes achieving & sometimes missing out. So long as we say " I'll be happy when..." we're deluding ourselves.

Happiness is a decision. Many people live life as if someday they'll arrive at " happiness" like one arrives at a bus stop. They figure that someday everything will fall into place, they will take a deep breath & say, " Here i am at last... happy!" Hence their life story is one of " I'll be happy when..."

Each one of us has a decision to make. Are we prepared to daily remind ourselves that we have only limited time to make the most of what we've got, or will we while away the present, hoping for a better future?


Sunday, September 7, 2008 @7:35 PM

We are necessarily in control of our own happiness as we decide what thoughts we think. No one else puts thoughts in our mind. To be happy, we need to concentrate on happy thoughts. How often, though, do we do the opposite? How often do we ignore the compliments that are paid to us yet dwell on unkind words for weeks afterwards? If you allow a bad experience or nasty remark to occupy your mind, you will suffer the consequences.

Remember, we are in control of your own mind.

I remember waking up one day & deciding that i had had enough of being miserable & sad. I thought to myself, " If you're going to be a really happy person someday, why don't you start now? " That day i decided to be a while lot happier than i had ever been before. I was shocked, it worked! :D

I asked some happy people whom i know, how they became so happy-go-lucky, their answer reflected my experience haha. He said, " I said enough misery, heartaches, loneliness & i decided to change things. "

Being happy can be hard work sometimes. Its like maintaining a nice home. You've got to hang on to your treasures & throw out the garbage. Being happy requires looking for good things. One person sees the beautiful view & the other sees the dirty window. You choose what you see & you choose what you think.

You have your brush & colors. You paint paradise, then in you go.

Max wants to recover soon. He can't help but think of the fun he is missing out with everyone during training :)

I accept my injury, i understand my injury, i will recover.

Rest max rest. ( not in peace hor LOL )



Friday, August 29, 2008 @12:10 AM

The only way to beat fear is to face it. Because we are always attracting the learning experiences we need, we often attract the experiences that we fear.

Therefore, if you are scared witless of losing in a match, chances are you'll start to lose like mad. If you fear loneliness, you'll attract that. If you fear embarrassment you'll lose points like crap. It's life's way of encouraging us to grow.

Losing hurts, but it huts even more when you realise that you haven;t done your best.


Monday, August 11, 2008 @7:12 PM

In life, what sometimes appears to be the end, is really a new beginning. HAHA so this is how i found my teammates :)

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."
Beach Volleyball team ftw. I think i love my Beach volleyball teammates. Bingru Cheryl Congzhi <3

Some people see things as they are & ask why. Others dream things that never were & ask why not. What your mind can conceive & believe, It can achieve.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 @11:14 PM

IMBAH. maddddd.


Saturday, July 12, 2008 @12:11 AM

To realize the value of one year,
Ask a student who has failed his exam.

To realize the value of one month,
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week,
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of one day,
Ask a daily wage labourer who has ten kids to feed.

To realize the value of one hour,
Ask lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of one minute,
Ask a person who has missed a train.

To realize the value of one second,
Ask a person who has survived an accident.

To realize the value of one milli second,
Ask a person who has won a sliver medal at the Olympics.

Value every moment that yu have.
Time is a coin that yu can spend only once.
Use it, Invest it, Make it count.

Remember, time waits for no man.

Cherish everything around yu now, don't live to regret like me.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 @10:50 PM

You reap harvest after you do the work.

you dig the soil & water the seed ( effort ), wait a while ( patience ) & then you pick your beans. Effort + patience = results.

blah blah say: " if i had a decent job, then i would really work hard. But all i do is wash dishes, so to heck with it." Wrong blah blah. If you become the best dishwasher in town, someone will notice you, or someone will promote you, or you'll feel so good about yourself that you'll one day go & do something you really want to do.

Effort first, harvest second. It's a principle. You can't reverse the process. lala says: " Promote me and then i'll quit sleeping on the the job." booboo says:" Let me play zhu gong and i'll jump higher & stop slacking. "

Another lesson we learn is that when you plant a dozen been seeds, you don't get a dozen bean plants. Rahrah plants his bean seeds . Some get burned up dried up or whatever! to find a few regular customers, you begin with a hundred. To spike the right way, you try out a lot of ways.

This part here is for a friend of mine. Haha work hard for your nationals champs. Train hard, spike well. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart. Jiayou, friend :)


Sunday, June 1, 2008 @11:55 AM

50 yards , 45.7199999305 meters.

Don't quit till you nothin left :)


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @9:33 PM

Don't believe winning is really everything. Its more important to stand for something. If you don't stand for something, what do you win?


Saturday, May 17, 2008 @5:33 PM

Life is a bit like a ladder. To move up, we have to fix the step we're on - whether is it cca, studies, relationships, money, blah blah. Once the step is fixed, we move to the next step. People handle their steps in different ways:
" i hate this step - i wnat to on a different one." thats when we stay stuck.
" i want someone else's ladder." that's called jealousy.
" to hell with this ladder - i'm jumping off." that is called suicide.
Whenever we are stuck. we might ask ourselves: " what haven't i fixed?"

When does life get simpler? It doesnt!
But you can handle it better.
We keep thinking that once we get past primary school, jc, uni, puberty, once we go to work, life will get easier. It doesnt! All of us are constantly challenged.
When things get too easy, we look for more problems. We say to ourselves:" i can do this with eyes shut! i need a challenge." when life gets too simple, we start a family! when the house is paid off, we buy a bigger one! it's not just the world that complicates our life, we do.


Thursday, May 8, 2008 @10:45 PM

Most people are about as happy as they make up their mind to be.

It is not what happens to us in life that determines our happiness so much as the way we react to what happens.

Blah blah might on having lost his job, decide that he now has the opportunity to have a new work experience, to explore new possibilities & to exercise his independence in the workplace.
His brother Lala might under the same circumstances, decide to jump off a twenty storey building & end it all.

Given the same situation, one man rejoices while the other man commits suicide. One man sees disaster & the other man sees opportunity.

Being happy is not always easy, though. It can be one of the greatest challenges that we face & can sometimes take all the determination, persistence & self-discipline that we can muster.
Maturity means taking responsibility for our own happiness & choosing to concerntrate on what we got rather than on what we haven't.


Monday, April 28, 2008 @9:32 PM

Confidence may be the key.

" Positive attitude does wonders "

A good imagination is essential in order to be able to relax your body and mind. For example, if you can totally involve yourself in an imaginary scene from nature, say the beach, then you will have the ability to relax at will. What a valuable asset. On the other hand someone whose imagination is not so developed will more trouble relaxing.

We must cherish our imagination our ability to dream; for the highest achievers since history began , have been the dreamers who, combined with their perspiration & their aspiration achieve their results, goals.

Everything starts as a dream. Stand by your dream. "If you never have a dream, you'll never have a dream come true."

The faster way to improve at anything is to combine regular physical with regular mental practice.

I don't wish to negate the value of actual work & practice; i wish to stress the fact that visualising perfect end results helps us to realise our potential much sooner & with less effort.


Monday, April 14, 2008 @10:21 PM

If a person consistently concentrates on what he doesn't have. he will get less of what he wants. Those people who have the most beautiful friendships are those people who value them very highly. Those who lead active & fulfilling lives are the people who are consistently rejoicing in what life gives them. Gratitude.

There is no way around it. For thing to get better, we have to get better. Today will be much like yesterday unless we put in that effort.

If you put all you have into whatever you do, you won't eliminate failure. If you put everything you have got into everything you do, you won't eliminate disappointment. So why bother?
The answer is, " For you own self-respect."
When your personal philosophy is, " I will do my best, regardless," you will always stand tall in your own estimation.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 @1:28 PM

We also learn to postpone our pleasures & our happiness, often developing a notion that some in the future everything will be much better than it is now.

The high school students thinks, " when i'm out of this school & don't have to do what i am told, then everything will be great!" He leaves school & suddenly recognises that he won't be happy until he has left home. He leaves home & starts university & soon decides, " When i have got my degree, then i'll be really happy!" Eventually he gets his degree at which time he realises that he can't be happy until he has a job.

He gets his job & has to start at the bottom of the heap. He is still not happy. As the years go by, he postpones his happiness & peace of mind until he gets engaged, gets married, starts buying a home, gets a better job, starts a family, gets the kids in school, owns his home, gets the kids out of school, retires, then he drops dead before he allows himself to be blissfully happy. All his present moments were spent planning for a wonderful future which never arrived.

The point is that None of us as a guarantee that we will be here tomorrow. Now is all we have got.

Living in the now also means that we enjoy whatever we are doing for its own sake, & not just for the end result.


Saturday, April 12, 2008 @3:31 PM

All you have is now.

The measure of our peace of mind & the measure of our personal effectiveness are determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment.

Regardless of what happened yesterday & what might happen tomorrow, now is where you are.

From this point of view, the key to happiness & contentment must be in focusing our minds on the present moment.

One of the beautiful things about young children is that they absorb themselves totally in the present moment. They manage to stay totally involved in whatever they are doing, whether it be watching an ant, drawing a picture, building sandcastles or whatever they devote their energies to.

As we become adults, many of us learn the art of thinking about and worrying about several things at once. We can allow past problems & future concerns to crowd into our present such that we become miserable & ineffective.

i am not saying being matured is bad haha.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008 @8:49 PM


Thursday, March 27, 2008 @4:27 PM

Be gentle on yourself.

Accept and love yourself where you are and acknowledge that even up until, now you have been living life the best way you know how.

With emotional pain as with physical pain, if we keep doing something stupid we keep getting hurt.

If you lose a crunch match or made many mistakes, you may experience emotional upset. This is normal and human. If you choose to learn from the situation you may well discover that you can live happily without the things to which you were so attached.

I make the point that successful people learn from such experiences and adjust their values so life's hiccups become less painful.


Friday, March 7, 2008 @10:31 PM

You deserve love and respect just because you are you.

Like many fairy tales, Rapunzel has a deeper meaning to it. Rapunzel in a lady who lives locked up in a castle, imprisoned by an old witch who keeps telling her how ugly she was. One day, handsome prince passes by the tower and tells Rapunzel of her loveliness. She lets down her golden locks, so he may climb her hair to rescue her.

It is neither the castle not the witch that has kept her as a prisoner, but her own belief that she was ugly. When she recognises her beauty, reflected in the face of the prince charming, she sees that she can be set free.

We all need to be aware of the witch or witches inside ourselves that are stopping us from breaking free.

Poor self-image.
-negative talk about ourselves
-experiencing guilt
-failure to give compliments
-non-acceptance of compliments
-not taking our own needs into account
-not asking for what we want
-starving ourselves of luxuries
-failure to give affection
-inability to receive and enjoy affection
-criticism of others
-comparison of ourselves with others
-constant poor health


Sunday, February 24, 2008 @7:33 PM

The first step towards a big improvement in our results in to change the way we think and talk about ourselves. We decide on our own self-image. We decide on our worth and decide how much happiness to expect.Our self-image determines our focus, or what we allow ourselves to think about. A good self image allows us to concentrate on compliments paid to successes we achieved.

Being egotistical and having a healthy self love are to be differentiated.
People with huge egos need to be the centre of attention, crave recognition and have little concern for those around them.
A healthy self love enables us to respect our own wishes as well as the wishes of others. It means we feel proud of our achievements without needing to broadcast them, and it means we can accept our shortcoming while striving to improve ourselves.

Lets acknowledge that it is ok to accept a compliment when it is paid to us. We don't have to perfect to accept with a graceful thank you.


Sunday, February 17, 2008 @1:01 PM

In one's life, there will always be someone/ something to change your life and inspire you to be what you are today.

Always think positively about yourself and your condition. Mental discipline in this area may not be easy but the rewards are great. Always speak well of yourself and consistently visualise your life working as you want it.

Have you ever noticed that when you are feeling goof about yourself, other people become very nice?
The world is a reflection of ourselves. When we hate ourselves, we hate everybody else. When we love being who we are, the rest of the world is wonderful.

Our self-image determines how much we will accomplish in life, how much we like the world and how much we like living in it.

If you see yourself as being hopeless at maths, you will always have difficulty with figures. You will have developed an attitude that says, " no matter what, i can't do maths." there fore, you don't try. If you ever do succeed, you say " it's a fluke." when you don't succeed, you say, " there! that proves i am hopeless!"

The more you believe that you are a hopeless case, the more deeply embedded that self-image becomes.


Monday, January 28, 2008 @10:31 PM

Life is all about making choices. What matters is to make the right one.

It takes years to build up a friendship, but only a second to break one. This is exactly the same as teamates trust for each other.

Life changes when we change, whereas change is always challenged.
Whenever we decide to change, we meet resistance. We are always challenged to see if we are serious.

All change will be challenged, particularly in the beginning. Recognise this, then be prepared.

We attract what we expect and the world treats us as we believe we deserve to be treated.







Sunday, January 13, 2008 @8:01 PM

Sometimes one must give up the things they love for the greater good, including one's dreams.

Forgive & Forget. Learn to give a second chance, one only hurt himself with hatred in the heart.

Put your heart in everything you, if not what's the point of doing it at all. Rather use 101% in one training, then coming for all trainings, and only using 1%.
Positive attitude does wonders.

Not everything is about you. Sometimes its about the team.
Teamwork, working together is winning together.






Monday, December 24, 2007 @4:26 PM

Don't get angry while playing, it's better to think of more ways to win and fight.

In life, it's necessary to let go of some things to gain others.

Many things once you let go, you will regret for life.

Decide for yourself what you should do, it's your life.

In the court only smart tactics and skills, teamwork and quick witted thinking matters.

Teamates should encourage each other, support each other. No matter what happens, must persevere till the end.

I am proud of Hci and WOODLANDS :D









Sunday, December 23, 2007 @2:53 PM

We must learn to not run away and face the difficulties and troubles bravely.

To win, we can depend on skills, physical and stamina or luck.

To be an outstanding player, we must learn to adapt to the surroundings and gain confidence, no to let the environment affect us in any way.

We must have the hunger and will to win, to be able to win, not only we need to have confidence, we also have to treat winning as a habit.

On court, we ought to find out the opponent's weakness, and fully perform to the best of our abilities.
Standing on the court, the strongest survives.
No matter how tired you are, once you fall and give up, that means you've lost.
Wanting to rest, means you've lost.

Many things not just working hard can earn you something.
Lots of times, talent is also must as important as hard work.

Volleyball is a game that needs us to cooperate and use teamwork to win.

If your coach and teamates did not give up on you, you cannot should not and must not give up on yourself.
We must learn to not run away from troubles and difficulties, not give up any opportunities, most importantly not to give up on your teamates.

Many people treat Volleyball as a game, a way to exercise and have fun, but to me, its my everything :D
I will play Volleyball till i can't play anymore.











Thursday, December 20, 2007 @8:21 PM

The court is just like a battlefield, once you're on the court, doing your best is not enough.
How to perform to the best of your abilities is what's important.

Even is the opponent is a beginner, once you're on the court, you must be serious. This is the basic respect for each other.

Many things not only need your eyes and attentiveness to understand. You need to use your heart and soul to do it.

Your hard work should be for yourself, not for others.

Life belongs to yourself,so be dependent on yourself, not alike to the plants that are dependent on other plants.

Tactics is changed because of the different situations, if always using the same tactics, then tactics shouldn't be called tactics.

Stamina is the roots of all sports.

A lot of things are not not able to change, its just whether you want to do it a not.




你的努力应该是为了自己,而不是为了别人。 你的人生是你的,而不是像寄生的植物一样,托付在别棵树上。






Saturday, December 15, 2007 @3:11 PM

Nothing is impossible

Teamwork is more important than any renowned player joining the team.
Put your heart and soul when training. As long as you train hard, there will be chances of winning.
Things lost now, doesn't mean it'll be lost forever.
On court, its either losing or winning.

Don't think of neither what will happen in the end, nor what responses the audiences give.
Your responsibility on being in the court is just to play well.

One condition to winning is that you should have great stamina. and most importantly, teamwork.

Being able to relax cool down and play well in the court, is all up to us.
In the court, other than ourselves, nobody can help us.
Even if it is to curb our fear and habits, its up to ourselves.
Do not think of anything else when being in the court, if not it'll let down volleyball, and ourselves as well.




要赢的先决条件,必须要有很好的体能, 此外TEAMWORK.



Saturday, December 8, 2007 @2:04 PM

Pick yourself up from where you fell.
Once a volleyballer, always a volleyballer.
If you sigh in the court, you'll have no energy to play anymore.
Sighing is a sign of dejectedness, you won't win your opponent if you sigh in court.
You wouldn't know if you'll succeed until you try it.
Others became so good after their long hours of training basics.
But to others, it takes too long.
Don't be in a hurry to get better and be good, don't think that with smart tactics then you'll win for sure.
Basics are your roots, tactics are your fruits and leaves.
Even with the best tactics, without your basics, its useless.

Woodlands is my pride, HCI is my hope.
Playing volleyball should be something happy and fun.

What is losing badly, getting thrashed and what not.
25-0 is a lost, 25-23 is also a lost. What's the difference?
In actual fact, there's no difference because both are also losing.

Everybody is part of the team, and our responsibility is just to play well and train hard.
As a member of the team, we should treat every training seriously.
Before training ball, we should train some physical activities such as weights and gym, or cardio.
With better stamina and physical qualities, then can we play better, not to forget better in basics.
To be able to play well, you must have feelings for the ball, and develop ball sense.
When training basics, you shouldn't let the ball leave your side. Training need not be in the court, it can be anywhere, everywhere.
You mustn't give up any opportunities to train including eating, studying, or doing nothing. By training everyday every time, you will slowly get to know how to control the ball well, the direction of the ball, and the force being applied on the ball.
This is why everyone have to train, and train, and train.

凡事要大胆的去尝试,才知道会不会成功 try it and try it (:


25-0 是输,25-23 也是输,这有什么差别呢?



Tuesday, December 4, 2007 @3:00 PM

A team that only knows how to blame others, find fault with others and not reflect for themselves, no wonder HwaChong is always being despised. Yet still thinks about getting into Nationals, geting champions.
If a team doesn't have a tiny bit of will to win and fight, might as well disband.
and I, also don't want to waste my time on a team which doesn't even have hope.
Everyone in the team must use their 101% to train, and their teamates also must keep their attention on the direction of the ball. Thats because in the game, anything unexpected can happen.
The true meaning of losing, is when you yourself chose to give up.
In the court, if you want to win, must be dependent on yourself. Your desire and will to win must be stronger than your opponents.
If not, you've lost to yourself, and among all ways of losing, that is the worst.
Upon being in the court, you must be serious as if being to war, but still you must feel that you're happy.






Monday, December 3, 2007 @7:45 PM

Nobody is always the champion, whether is it us or St Hilda's.
Be it triple champs or anything, there will always be a time when you fail and lose.
What I think, champions belong to the team that worked the hardest.
Volleyball is not about learning nor talent, its about training.
If you don't train hard, even if you have the greatest talents, that is still useless.

不管是你还是 st hilda's.


Friday, November 30, 2007 @3:49 PM

Don't ever give up, less you let down yourself.
When others is having their holidays, I was training, thinking of tactics, I've never stopped. Although I tried so hard I still lost, my feelings, you all wouldn't understand.
Why was my dream broken so early, we tried so hard, worked so hard, why did one match take away our everything.
I don't want to accept this. I don't want to lose.
At that moment, I made a decision, to take responsibilities for my own actions.
I don't want my teamates to get dragged down because of my responsibilities and actions.




Max Yoong
Bonded team


#3Zheng Jie.
#4Jing Jie.
#5Zheng Ting.
#6Shaw Shian.
#8Chun Yat.

Vote For Me! ^^

Thank you!



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