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Monday, April 28, 2008 @9:32 PM

Confidence may be the key.

" Positive attitude does wonders "

A good imagination is essential in order to be able to relax your body and mind. For example, if you can totally involve yourself in an imaginary scene from nature, say the beach, then you will have the ability to relax at will. What a valuable asset. On the other hand someone whose imagination is not so developed will more trouble relaxing.

We must cherish our imagination our ability to dream; for the highest achievers since history began , have been the dreamers who, combined with their perspiration & their aspiration achieve their results, goals.

Everything starts as a dream. Stand by your dream. "If you never have a dream, you'll never have a dream come true."

The faster way to improve at anything is to combine regular physical with regular mental practice.

I don't wish to negate the value of actual work & practice; i wish to stress the fact that visualising perfect end results helps us to realise our potential much sooner & with less effort.


Monday, April 14, 2008 @10:21 PM

If a person consistently concentrates on what he doesn't have. he will get less of what he wants. Those people who have the most beautiful friendships are those people who value them very highly. Those who lead active & fulfilling lives are the people who are consistently rejoicing in what life gives them. Gratitude.

There is no way around it. For thing to get better, we have to get better. Today will be much like yesterday unless we put in that effort.

If you put all you have into whatever you do, you won't eliminate failure. If you put everything you have got into everything you do, you won't eliminate disappointment. So why bother?
The answer is, " For you own self-respect."
When your personal philosophy is, " I will do my best, regardless," you will always stand tall in your own estimation.


Sunday, April 13, 2008 @1:28 PM

We also learn to postpone our pleasures & our happiness, often developing a notion that some in the future everything will be much better than it is now.

The high school students thinks, " when i'm out of this school & don't have to do what i am told, then everything will be great!" He leaves school & suddenly recognises that he won't be happy until he has left home. He leaves home & starts university & soon decides, " When i have got my degree, then i'll be really happy!" Eventually he gets his degree at which time he realises that he can't be happy until he has a job.

He gets his job & has to start at the bottom of the heap. He is still not happy. As the years go by, he postpones his happiness & peace of mind until he gets engaged, gets married, starts buying a home, gets a better job, starts a family, gets the kids in school, owns his home, gets the kids out of school, retires, then he drops dead before he allows himself to be blissfully happy. All his present moments were spent planning for a wonderful future which never arrived.

The point is that None of us as a guarantee that we will be here tomorrow. Now is all we have got.

Living in the now also means that we enjoy whatever we are doing for its own sake, & not just for the end result.


Saturday, April 12, 2008 @3:31 PM

All you have is now.

The measure of our peace of mind & the measure of our personal effectiveness are determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment.

Regardless of what happened yesterday & what might happen tomorrow, now is where you are.

From this point of view, the key to happiness & contentment must be in focusing our minds on the present moment.

One of the beautiful things about young children is that they absorb themselves totally in the present moment. They manage to stay totally involved in whatever they are doing, whether it be watching an ant, drawing a picture, building sandcastles or whatever they devote their energies to.

As we become adults, many of us learn the art of thinking about and worrying about several things at once. We can allow past problems & future concerns to crowd into our present such that we become miserable & ineffective.

i am not saying being matured is bad haha.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008 @8:49 PM



Max Yoong
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#3Zheng Jie.
#4Jing Jie.
#5Zheng Ting.
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